Wednesday, June 21, 2006

So, I'm in the Shannon, Ireland airport waiting for my flight to London! Here's what's happened so far:

Out of O'hare, we left on an earlier flight (4 instead of 5), which opened up a door of opportunity in Newark/NYC. We took our 3 hour layover and visited New York City! Saw Madison Square Garden, the Empire State Building, Macy's, 5th ave, "The beginning" of Broadway (ave) and LOTS of New Yorkers. They're everywhere. From there, got back to the airport and flew to Dublin, then Shannon! They fed us twice on that flight. Dinner around midnight and breakfast sometime later (I actually missed that one.) An unexpected stop to be sure. But the accents here are well worth it. I've never seen so many Irish people - can't imagine why.

Anyway, I'm not really sure what time it is in the "real" world, but I do know I had a Guinness at a time which would've been just after sunrise back in Chicago. Having a great time so far. We'll see what London has to offer next. Stay tuned for more random updates from EuroGreg.


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